• Date and time: 25.05.2024. | 6:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Kulturas nams Atmoda (Stabu street 10, Rīga, Latvia)
  • Participation in the jam: 15 euros

In honor of the International Tap dance day, we continue the tradition – "Riga TAP JAM". It is a tap dance jam with live music that is planned as a biannual event with the goal to bring closer tap dancers from all Baltic States as well as other countries. All level tap dancers and jazz musicians are welcome to join! Others are welcome to join the audience and experience the magic as viewers. Jazz musician company - Evilena Protektore (voice), Krists Saržants (piano), Daniēls Pelcis (bass), Andris Žabris (drums) - will take care of the musical background – interacting with tap dance improvisations they will perform the most famous jazz standards. The evening will be hosted by the amazing Soul Tap dancer Rita Biezeka.

During the day, there will be tap dance masterclasses taught by tap dance masters from Baltic states. Suitable for all levels.

Don't wait long to apply – the number of participants in the masterclasses is limited!

Masterclass plan


  • BEG – dancers without prior knowledge
  • BEG/INT – dancers with little prior knowledge
  • INT – dancers with prior knowledge
  • INT/ADV – dancers with prior knowledge and several years of experience


Annija Mangale (lv)

All levels - improvisation


Auksuole Varkuleviciene (lt)



Veronika Smolina (ee)


About teachers

Veronika Smolina (EE)
Auksuole Varkulevičiene (LT)
Annija Mangale (LV)

Participation fee for masterclasses and tap jam

  • 1 class – 20 euros
  • 2 classes – 35 euros
  • 3 classes – 45 euros
  • Participation in the tap jam – 15 euros (pre-registration)

Register for the masterclasses!